Black Hair: Wigs Vs Sew-Ins

This is actually funny because in 2010 wigs were NOT a trend. Well, at least not in my generation of young girls. I always associated wigs with synthetic strands of hair aunties wore in order to deceive their counterparts. Fast forward to the present time. I myself, wear wigs more than any other style.

The whole Sew-ins/wigs trend is actually really new to me. When I was in elementary to middle school sew-ins were really popular. Nobody at least my age was wearing wigs because they were mostly for older people. My mother wouldn’t let me wear weave until my junior year of high school. I was so ecstatic to get my first sew-in; even if it was these thin 2 bundles of Brazilian that matted like crazy at the bottom. I looked like a giraffe but boy was I happy to have my first ever weave. To me, it symbolized womanhood and maturity.

My senior year of high school I bought my first wig. I was racking up a bit at my job so I dropped almost $300 on it. I know! That’s crazy why would you do that? The answer is I was 17 and I thought I was making bank with $8.25 an hour.

But, really I still have the same wig from all those years ago. So tell me was it really a waste?

The link above is the first wig I ever bought. I actually think they increased their price, to be honest, but I loved how beginner-friendly the wig was. However, my suggestion would be to not spend that much money on hair UNLESS you got it like that. Honestly, I know some youtubers that make $20-45 wigs look freaking bomb. Just make sure your careful or you will end up looking like this…..

Bad Weave

Wigs or Sew-Ins

It really comes down to your own preference and quite honestly there isn’t much difference between the two. People buy bundles and turn them into a wig or buy wig units and sew it on their heads. The biggest difference between the two styles is that “leaving out” your natural hair to blend into your weave is not as popular as before. We as a collective have definitely become more innovative and smart with how we handle our natural hair to keep it as protected as possible. Hair is your form of expression and is your chance to express yourself and be innovative.

Wig Pros

  • Easy to style; just sleek your baby hairs and run a smooth brush through it and your good to go.
  • You get to try as many new styles as you want!
  • you can take it off at night which is wonderful.
  • Good for retaining your natural hair length.
  • No long term commitment.

Wig Cons

  • If not done right it can look really unnatural. That lace will be your biggest obstacle because if not bleached or melted right it could be all up in the other person face like

and we don’t want that!

  • Don’t want your wig to look too wiggish.

Sew- Ins pros:

  • Cheaper- depends really- I know wigs can get more expensive because I pay for the whole unit to be made plus the styling.
  • more security so you are not constantly holding on to your hair during a windy day.
  • Faster, so you can wake up if you’re in a rush and go

Sew-Ins cons:

  • it’s a long-term commitment, so you are stuck with that one style for a minute
  • Heat damage. Which to me is the biggest NO. I just went natural so I’ve been doing everything in my power to keep my hair healthy.

I know for me personally as my wig collection gets bigger and bigger that I would love to do a wig collection vlog post on here. Let me know if yall so to be continued I guess.

Make sure to check out my last post in the blogging series dedicated to braids

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