Applying your love languages to yourself

Love languages. There are so many unsaid rules when you’re in a relationship. You have to be honest, communication is key, appreciate your partner, apply…

How is finals week during a pandemic treating you?

I just completed my last final and I honestly can’t believe I’m entering my senior year of college. The way time is zooming past me…

2020 Please Be Good To Me

2019 had its ups and downs for sure. But overall it was good for me. I made some awesome memories with friends and family, I…

15 Positive Affirmations To Say To Oneself

Hey, guys its been a while, but I had to take some time to get adjusted to school and a new load of responsibilities. That’s…

Five Verses of Encoragment

We all have things in our life that scare us. It could be the fear of failure, the fear of what others might think about…