How is finals week during a pandemic treating you?

I just completed my last final and I honestly can’t believe I’m entering my senior year of college. The way time is zooming past me like this is ridiculous. I can still remember orientation day and awkwardly dragging my family around in the heat trying to find my freshman dorm. This past week was hard and I know for some of yall your still going through the stress of finals! What sucks is that at the moment we have nothing really to look forward too. Yeah, states are opening up but I don’t even feel mentally comfortable to go anywhere.

There is still hope. This summer is not canceled..yet. In the midst of all this, I wanted to write this post to anyone who is going through it right now and needs some music and encouragement during this time.

First is music, movies, and GOD…

First of all, you need a study playlist. Period. I mean unless you’re one of those sickos that like to listen to your thoughts while your studying. I guess that’s cool. But I know I gotta have something playing. If I need to concentrate I’ll at least play instrumentals. I kind of curated a study playlist for you guys that have a taste of artists and songs I’ve been listening to on repeat lately.

Secondly, You have to have those shows to watch on your break. I know that sounds bad because you probably opened up this post with hopes that I might help you study better. Nope just ways to distract yourself. But the shows that I’ve been watching have been High Fidelity, Little Fires Everywhere, and Big Little Lies! You can stream the shows on Hulu so check it out because they have definitely helped cured my pandemic boredom!

Rob High Fidelity GIF by HULU
If there is one thing I love it’s seeing Zoe Kravitz on screen
season 1 episode 1 hbo GIF by Big Little Lies
Another one with Zoe; the suspense in this show is crazy!!

In all honesty, you should be extremely proud of yourself for getting through this school year. I know this pandemic forced a lot of people into working full time, dealing with mental health issues, and the loss of some friends and family. We are in a period where you can’t do much but trust that God is covering over us. If there is one thing I can say is that this pandemic has helped me lean on him for strength while dealing with my own mental instabilities.

Verses for Courage

Psalms 62: 6 “All you people: trust in him at all times! Pour out your hearts before him! God is our refuge!

Zephaniah 3: 17 “The LORD your God is in your midst-a warrior bringing victory. He will create calm with his love; he will rejoice over you with singing.”

Psalms 27:14 “Hope in the LPRD! BE strong! Let your heart take courage! Hope in the LORD!

Luke 12:25 “Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life?”


  1. Quincy
    July 18, 2020 / 6:56 am

    Big little lies and little fires everywhere are 10/10!!!! About to start high fidelity so ima get back to u.

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      Alexis Nwankwo
      July 20, 2020 / 12:09 am

      Let me know how you like it! Zoe Kravitz plays her role so good.

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