15 Positive Affirmations To Say To Oneself

Hey, guys its been a while, but I had to take some time to get adjusted to school and a new load of responsibilities. That’s actually what encouraged me to write this week’s post. I spent a lot of time during the past summer and actually past couple of weeks stewing over some negative aspects of my life. It put me in a slump. A slump that continually weakened my spirit. Sometimes we can get so caught up with the negatives that we don’t give ourselves the credit we deserve. I’m beginning to form a new habit. One that requires me to think of something positive about my life whenever I feel a negative thought slowly trying to surface. Take the time out of your day to give yourself positive affirmations. If that means putting sticky notes all over your mirror than you know what needs to be done.

If you need help starting a list of positive affirmations here’s mine.
  1. I am more than enough. You are more than enough. If someone is telling you that who you are is not enough for them, then they can get TF…ASAP
  2. I am a mirror of God’s image so how can I not be beautiful.
  3. I will not settle for less. That includes friendships, relationships etc. seek people who will uplift you not bring you down.
  4. No matter what never give up on what makes you smile every day.
  5. Seek God for your problems, not your friends or materialistic objects. They are important but remember they are temporary.
  6. There will be times when things may seem impossible to go through. That you will never get out of this rut. You will. Nothing is permanent.
  7. I am strong enough.
  8. I deserve everything I want in life.
  9. Make it your mission to reach all your goals.
  10. Your only obstacle is yourself.
  11. Don’t give up because of failure instead let it motivate you to do more!
  12. Things take time. Stop expecting to get that dream salary, dream job, dream life all in one day. You have to work hard and watch it happen!
  13. Do not limit your potential for someone else
  14. I will stop procrastinating. If there is a project I have always wanted to do or try I need to make sure I do it!
  15. I am smart. I am Intelligent.


*Photo not taken by me

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