Why you need to watch “A Star Is Born”

Photo Credits: Warner Bro

It’s Oscar season baby-my favorite time of the year- where the best in movies are going to be acknowledged for their hard work. The category I’m looking forward to this year? Who’s going to win “Best Picture”?! If you asked me a week ago who I was rooting for I would have told you hands down Black Panther or Bohemian Rhapsody. But I recently watched A Star is Born and my heart is about to explode with how much I love this movie. Besides I’ve always been a little biased when it comes to romantic dramas.  There are so many reasons why you need to watch A Star is Born.  Here are a few!

This is Bradley Cooper’s First Directed Film 

And he did a damn good job. Aside from American Sniper and Silver Linings Playbook, I  am so used to him playing the cute, funny guy in big-screen comedies. It was a nice change to see him really embody this role and  It takes a lot of guts to remake a beloved film such as A Star is Born.  Bradley did a great job in renovating this love story into something more modern. 

Photo Cred: Variety Photo Credits: Variety 

This is Gaga’s first major acting film and she NAILED IT!

This movie really shows off a different side of Lady Gaga as a performer. Aside from a couple of long music videos and scenes from American Horror Story, there isn’t much under her repertoire when it comes to acting. Her playing Ally was just this raw and vulnerable side of her I never thought I would ever witness. 

You’ll get to hear Bradley Cooper show off his singing skills

It’s actually pretty good. He has this raspiness that I like *giggles*

Cooper spent time around a lot of renowned musicians such as Eddie Vedder and Jack White learning how to play the guitar. He also practiced 5 days a week for several months with vocal trainers, just so that he could be able to perform the songs with Gaga during live performances. I mean that’s dedication.

You’ll be reminded of how freaking talented Lady Gaga is 
I always forget how talented Lady Gaga is and maybe its because I still have the 2009 version of her stuck in my head. Well, this movie does an excellent job reminding me and anyone else who forgot about her sheer musical ability. The soundtrack of this movie alone is priceless. Watch this clip below of her singing in the last scene and you will know exactly what I’m talking about. The way she sings so effortlessly while still being in character is amazing. 

It tells a deeper story about addiction, family, love, and heartbreak 

This movie really revolves around Jackson Maine’s battle with addiction and the lifestyle he chooses to live. I think it tells a beautiful story about the ups and downs of friendship, family, and heartbreak. 

No one makes romantic dramas anymore, so this was refreshing.

All I see in theaters these days are horror films, action, or really bad comedies. There hasn’t been any big romantic drama film that’s gotten this much recognition in a hot minute. The relationship between Jackson and Ally didn’t feel like acting but genuinely looked like two people who love each other. Both of them did such an amazing job with this remake and I definitely stan this film as one of my favorites.


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