How is finals week during a pandemic treating you?

I just completed my last final and I honestly can’t believe I’m entering my senior year of college. The way time is zooming past me…

Black Art Series: Ben Biayenda

I was scrolling through my Tumblr one day and saw this beautiful painting. There were four black girls of different shades sprawled across the living…

Black History Month: Black Directors

I know this post is a little late but Happy Black History Month!! a lot of people ask why we still celebrate black history month.…

Toni Morrison: Her Legacy

This week is a sad, but happy post. As most of yall know Toni Morrison passed away earlier this month. Today I wanted to dedicate…

Book Club- Science Edition

As a STEM major, I’m always looking for new ways to expand my knowledge and learn new things in the world of science. I believe…

Currently: In love with “Homecoming” So yes the Queen has done it once again. A lot of yall know Beyonce dropped a documentary about her Coachella show last year…


It has been a minute since I last posted something and a lot of factors have contributed to that. School, my social life, work, you…

Celebrating Black History Month With Black Cinema

February is  for acknowledging the beautiful black people that have enriched our culture, stood up to advanced our people and made a difference while doing…

Feminist Lessons Learned from Chimamanda’s “Dear Ijeawele”

Lately, I’ve been really exploring my reading genres and taking a chance on authors that talk about different issues. One of these authors is Miss…

Why you need to watch “A Star Is Born”

It’s Oscar season baby-my favorite time of the year- where the best in movies are going to be acknowledged for their hard work. The category I’m looking forward to this year? Who’s going to win “Best Picture”?! If you asked me a week ago who I was rooting for I would have told you hands down Black Panther or Bohemian Rhapsody. But I recently watched A Star is Born and my heart is about to explode with how much I love this movie.

Favorites of 2018

Difficult women My favorite book this year has to be “Difficult Women” by Roxanne Gay. It features a collection of short stories about women in…